Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

Ride Around the Bear

The Bear Century was much tougher than I anticipated.  I couldn’t maintain my target speed while keeping the level effort under my endurance threshold.  I struggled, though not too terribly, as I reached the 1st rest stop.  If I were correct, I had already climbed over 4,000 feet to get there.
It was much tougher to get to the 2nd rest stop.  Perhaps my on-bike nutrition was not sufficient, or perhaps I pushed too hard to get to the 1st rest stop, my legs were cramping up from the climb.  I had to stop twice before getting to the 2nd rest stop because they were hurting too much.  I took a long break after I got there.  They hurt when I stretch.  A nice couple offered me some calcium pills which helped un-cramp the muscle.

I decided to slow down after the rest stop.  My goal to complete the course under 8 hours was perhaps unrealistic for my 1st century in 20 years — I was 17 the last time I rode 100 miles from Anaheim to San Diego — and this time I picked one of ten toughest century in American continent.  I rode to the 3rd rest stop at a more manageable pace, had a nice leisurely lunch, and took time to let the body recover properly before starting again.

Rest stop 4 was the infamous Onyx Summit.  Because I rode under my endurance threshold most of the way to get there, it was not difficult as I had imagined.

Except for few short stretches of small hills, it was all down hills from here.  All that climbing made the decent that much more rewarding.

Eight miles before the finish line, a car drove next to me and ran me off the road.  My front wheel hit the dirt, and I lost control.  My shoulder hit the pavement, then my head (thank goodness for the helmet), and I skidded onto the pavement.  The guy following close behind me skidded onto the dirt and into the bushes.  There was quite a show.  The CHP, the forest patrol, and the ambulance all came to check on me.  Except for skin abrasions (the paramedic called them raspberries), I was pronounced ok.

I finished the last 8 miles.  I think I was last, but I was thrilled to have finished the ride on my own power and not ride back with SAG support.



In the pre-dawn dark of Sylvan Park in Redlands you will be greeted by a sleepy band of volunteers who will help you through the registration process. Behind them you will see more volunteers already unloading the supplies and equipment for the post ride meal you will receive. Early birds will see the Ryder trucks loaded with food, water, and tables, heading out to set up the 4 rest stops that will help you finish the challenge you are about to meet.

As you roll out from the park enjoy the few miles of flat peddling through the semi rural outskirts of town. Expect 10 miles of warm-up before you turn right on Highway 330 and encounter 15 miles of serious climbing to a wide spot in the road for Rest Stop 1. Take a moment to cross the street and enjoy the great view. Don’t burn yourself out on this climb because there is more to come! The road will be open to traffic and the CHP will be patrolling to protect your safety. They do require that you ride in single file because the roads are winding and narrow.

The next segment is up and down, (mostly up) through Running Springs to Rest Stop 2 at the entrance to the Snow Valley Ski Resort. Enjoy the fresh mountain air as you munch on the fruit and goodies being offered. Now it’s time to head on up around Big Bear Lake to Lunch at Dana Point Park. Sandwiches, fruit and cookies will fuel you for the final stretch of climbing. Eight miles from Onyx Summit (8600’+) starts the toughest climb of the Ride. It is 8 miles of constant up. Once you have reached the Summit there are a few more hills to climb but there are some also down hills to the final Rest Stop at Angeles Oaks. Heading out from this final stop you will be rewarded with 40 miles of glorious nonstop downhill. It is very important to ride safely and be aware of traffic while being tempted to fly down the hill.

Meanwhile, back at the Park, the volunteers have iced down barrels of soft drinks, prepared platters of fruit and cookies, and barbecued some juicy burgers with all the trimmings for your return. Now that you have finished one of the 10 toughest Centuries in the US, grab a plate and drink, find a bench, and enjoy swapping stories with your fellow riders in the shade of the park’s stately old trees.

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