Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

Monthly Archives: December 2007

Improved Cycling Fitness

Below are four very similar training rides over a five-month period.  While wind and other weather conditions may have attributed the the improved stats, I like to think the improvement was due to training and improved cycling fitness.

% Total Minutes in Zone
Date Miles Minutes MPH 1 2 3 4 5
12/13/07 28.88 106 16.7 1% 14% 60% 25% 0%
12/11/07 28.98 111 16.7 0% 7% 49% 42% 2%
08/14/07 27.07 103 16.9 3% 15% 32% 47% 3%
07/08/07 32.61 143 16.2 0% 4% 46% 50% 0%

Miss Driving My Car?

Someone asked me in the locker room, as I was changing into my work clothes after cycling into work, if I miss my car or driving.  "Nope.  Not really," I replied.  I don’t miss driving to work at all.  While it is more convenient to drive for not having to bother to getting to my cycling clothes or showering after I get in, I get frustrated when I am stuck in traffic during the rush hour.

So… No, I don’t miss my car.