Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

Why Shave Legs in Winter?

Q:  My road riding buddies shave their legs all winter even though they’re covered with leg warmers. In fact, I heard one guy say that leg warmers are the reason he continues shaving. Huh? — Bud P.

Coach Fred Matheny Replies:  Many guys who routinely shave their legs from spring through fall stop in winter. They enjoy shelving this onerous chore for a few months.

Of course, the main reason for shaving legs — easier wound treatment in case of a crash — is still valid in winter. But here’s what that rider was talking about:

Leg warmers stay up better on hairless legs.

Warmers are properly worn under shorts. The overlap helps keep them up. But they’ll probably still sag unless the warmers’ top band of "gripper" elastic gets a good hold on your skin.

It can’t if your legs are hairy. Leg hair is slippery and it grows downward. Each hair is a kind of emergency escape chute, encouraging the warmers to slip towards your knees on every pedal stroke.

If you’re tired of shaving your entire legs, in winter you could do just a few inches where the gripper band fits. That should work — and be good for some laughs in the shower room too.

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