Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

You're welcome. Stop for the next guy.

I had a flat while commuting home last night. "Oh, no. Did I just get a flat," I thought as that familiar sinking, disappointment rose. "No problem. I have a spare tube. This really just a minor inconvenience to have to change a flat."  I got out my tire iron and my spare tube and proceeded to replace the tire in the dark. Of course, Murphy’s Law applied, "if anything can go wrong, it will."  Soon after I started pumping air into the newly replaced tube, I heard the dreadful sound "shhhhhhh".  Now what?  Without extra spare tubes, I’m dead in the water.  I checked the inside of the tire carefully to make there was no sharp object before replacing the spare tube.  Sigh, I called my wife to pick me up.

As I was getting ready to walked back up to the main road to wait for wife, two nice gentlemen rode by and offered their assistance.  Since neither one had an spare 700×23 Presta valve tube, we attempted to patch my spare.  The patch couldn’t stop the leak, and we were out of spare tube and air cartridge.  I resigned to walk back to the main road to wait for my wife.  As I was leaving, I thanked the gentlemen.  They replied, "You are welcome.  Stop for the next guy."

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