Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

2008 Stats

One final ride to bid farewell to 2008 and welcome the new year.  ’08 was a busy year.  I changed role multiple times at work: from relationship manager, to project manager, to program analyst, and now shared services manager for a global cross-sell program.  Business travels, back injury, and a couple of flues had pretty much screwed up my bike season and kept me from racing or participating in any century rides.

Still, I think I had a good year.  Below are some statistics:

  2008 2007
Total Miles 4,750 5,330
Total Time (hh:mm) 309:44 368:58
# of Rides 295 302
Average MPH 15.5 18.1
Average HR (% Max) 76 75
Average Miles/Ride 16.3 18.1

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