Bike to Fitness

Health, Endurnace and Performance

Rock Steady – Week 3

I still struggled to complete 4×16 minutes at LT with 4-minute rest between set.  After the 3rd set, it took ~2’40” for my heart rate to drop below 66%.  The puddle of sweat beneath my bike was getting larger as I struggled to maintain my HR between 80-85%.  My breathing labored, my cadence slowed, and my form was getting uglier by the second.  Finally, I slowed to catch my breath, letting my HR to drop below LT for 3 minutes, long enough to give it another go to finish it strong.

It is too soon to suggest that I’ve improved over the last two weeks, but the data is promising.

  Mile Avg MPH Avg HR BPM Avg Cadence
Lap Ready SS Rest 66% Ready SS Rest <66% Ready SS Rest <66% Ready SS Rest <66%
1 0.78 4.38 0.83 0.08 16.9 16.4 12.4 12.4 154 163 147 132 90 90 78 78
2 0.73 4.25 0.71 0.05 15.7 15.9 10.6 9.6 150 165 144 132 91 89 77 69
3 0.37 4.26 0.76 0.48 15.6 16.0 11.4 10.9 144 165 149 133 89 89 70 77
4 0.45 4.16 0.55 0.02 15.6 15.6 8.3 7.6 145 160 150 130 93 90 66 67

Average steady stead power ~160 watts.

*Power approximation:
14 mph = 130 watts
15 mph = 145 watts
16 mph = 160 watts
17 mph = 185 watts
18 mph = 210 watts
19 mph = 235 watts
20 mph = 265 watts
21 mph = 295 watts
28 mph = 600 watts
30 mph = 700 watts

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