Bike to Fitness

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Category Archives: Health and Fitness

7 Steps to Pain-Free Cycling

Fix the most common riding pains with these helpful tips from


There’s a Tweak for that Twinge

As you begin logging more miles, aches and pains can start cropping up. The usual culprits: poor riding position, imbalanced muscles, a weak core or just another birthday. “With new riders, you can usually blame poor bike fit or equipment setup, or a training error, like going out for 50 miles on their first ride of the season,” says Andy Pruitt, EdD, director of Boulder Center for Sports Medicine, in Colorado.

If you’re a seasoned cyclist, the culprit is generally wear and tear. Your body has grown accustomed to your bike setup and training regimen over the years, then suddenly you have knee or back pain. General aches and pains can be remedied with traditional treatments such as rest, ice and anti-inflammatories—and with the following fixes.



WHAT AND WHY: Pushing excessively high gears can wreak havoc on your hips, as can tight muscles and weak glutes.

FIX: Gear back and increase your cadence to take pressure off your hips. Follow the glute-strengthening advice in Knee (next slide). Do yoga poses like the pigeon, where one leg is bent 90 degrees in front of you and the other is extended behind you



WHAT AND WHY: Achy hinges are usually a result of incorrect saddle and/or cleat position, weak outer glutes, and doing too much too soon, especially in a big gear.

FIX: Generally, if it hurts in the front of your knee, your saddle is too low. Pain in the back means it’s too high. Spin an easier gear. Strengthen your outer glutes with lateral leg exercises like side lunges and side leg raises. Stretch your quads, iliotibial bands and hamstrings. Get a professional bike fit.



WHAT AND WHY: You experience hot spots, pain under the ball of your foot, numb toes when pressure is concentrated on one part of your sole, squeezing the nerves between your foot bones. Hot spots can happen to longtime cyclists who’ve never had such pain because the fat pads in our feet shrink over time, leaving the nerves less protected, says Pruitt.

FIX: For numbness, loosen your shoes. Already loose? Try a wider shoe. For burning, slide your cleats all the way back, switch to shoes with a stiffer sole or try wider-platform pedals. “Change your foot beds regularly,” Pruitt says. “Change them once a year if you ride 5,000 miles or less; more often if you put in higher mileage.”



WHAT AND WHY: Fatigue, age-related wear and tear, poor bike fit and a weak core can cause pain and strain.

FIX: Perform plank exercises to strengthen your core. Stretch your hamstrings. Check your bike fit to see that you’re not overreaching (see Neck, above), keeping in mind that over the years you may need to tweak your riding position to compensate for decreased flexibility.



WHAT AND WHY: Excess pressure on nerves in your hand can cause numb, tingly fingers and pain in your wrists. Also, you may have too much weight on your hands or have your wrists cocked at too extreme an angle.

FIX: Wear lightly padded gloves. Hold the bar with your wrists in a neutral position (like when you shake someone’s hand). Check that the nose of your saddle isn’t tipped down, shifting your weight too far forward and onto your hands.



WHAT AND WHY: Over-reaching causes tension through your shoulders and upper back.

FIX: When you look at the front wheel with your hands on the hoods, your bar should obstruct your view of the hub. Relax your shoulders when you ride.



WHAT AND WHY: Pain in the back of your ankle is a symptom of Achilles tendonitis–generally brought on by doing too much too soon. Having your cleats too far forward, which makes you pedal on your toes, can also strain the Achilles.

FIX: Ice the area and use anti-inflammatories. Stretch by placing the ball of your foot on a step and letting your heel hang off the edge. Hold for 20 seconds. Also, move your cleats back.

How to Do Squat Restorative Pose

How to Do Squat Restorative Pose

by Sarah Court

Use this guide to get into Squat Restorative Pose. You’ll get a deep stretch in your lower body while working on your core.

For Restorative Squat Pose

  • Place a block on your mat and sit down on it.
  • Bring your arms to the inside of your legs and with your palms together, press out on the inner thighs.
  • Extend the spine as tall as you can—pretend there is a wall behind you and lean on the wall.


Step 1

Squat Restorative Pose 1

Separate your feet about mat width apart with your toes turned out slightly away from your midline.

Step 2

Squat Restorative Pose 2

Bend both knees and lower your hips to sit on the block.

Step 3

Squat Restorative Pose 3

Place your palms together and press the elbows against your inner thighs while maintaining a long spine and lifted abdomen.


  • Make sure that your knees and toes point in the same direction as each other to avoid torque on the knee.
  • Do your best to keep both just slightly turned out, but if this pulls too much on the outer knee, turn them out as much as you need.


To make this even more restorative and require less effort you can sit in the squat up against a wall. Take out the need to work the back muscles to find an upright spine and instead concentrating on deepening your hip flexion.

If your knees are not able to bend so deeply—pile up as many blocks as you need so that your knees are comfortable. You can also place a hand towel behind the knees to create more space in the joint.

Muscles Worked

Thighs and glutes are stretched in this seated pose, while the lower back works to keep the body as upright as possible.


Squatting is an excellent position for the hips and back, with or without effort. It supports pelvic floor health and is extremely useful for women post pregnancy, or for men to support the prostate.

In addition, taking the hips into a deeper range of motion than they are afforded by our “chair habit” will prepare the body for more challenging hip opening yoga poses.

Sarah Court is a featured yoga and exercise columnist on She teaches weekly Yoga Tune Up® and Vinyasa classes at various locations in Los Angeles, and trains yoga teachers in anatomy and in Yoga Tune Up® across the country. She’s been featured in the New York Times and as one of’s 100 Incredible Yoga Teachers Who Blog.

Zoot ULTRA CompressRx Recovery Socks

It was just last year when I bought my first pair of compression socks. There weren’t too many brands or options then. This year the brands and selections have exploded in sporting goods stores. Zoot alone offers three different compression socks, and selecting the right one for yourself can be confusing. The chart below hopefully makes the task easier.

Performance CompressRx Sock ULTRA CompressRx Recovery Sock
(was Active CompressRx)
ULTRA CompressRx Sock
Reduced muscle fatigue. Less lactic acid build-up. Comfort. Faster recovery. Experience the benefits of the Zoot Performance CompressRx Socks. With a soft lightweight fabric, the ULTRA Recovery Compression Sock will speed up your recovery and make you feel better for tomorrow’s workout. The CompressRx sock gets upgraded with ZoneRx technology in 2011. You will feel the amazing difference of zoned muscle support for improved performance and quicker recovery.
Size: 2, 3, 4, 5 Size: 2, 3, 4, 5 Size: 2, 3, 4, 5
Color: White Color: Black Color: Black, White, Classic Blue
Fabric: ZoneRx – Muscle specific zones of compression stabilize the calf muscles reducing muscle damage during exercise; CRx – Graduated compression from the ankle to the top of the calf that helps remove lactic acid and improve blood circulation back to the heart. EnduraRx provides moisture management and temperature regulation. Achilles tendon support. Padded foot soles prevent foot irritation Fabric: ZoneRx – Muscle-specific zones of compression stabilize the calf muscles reducing muscle damage during exercise; CRx – Graduated compression from the ankle to the top of the calf that helps remove lactic acid and improve blood circulation back to the heart. SynchroRx provides moisture management and temperature regulation; Achilles tendon support; Padded foot soles prevent foot irritation Fabric: ZoneRx – Muscle-specific zones of compression stabilize the calf muscles reducing muscle damage during exercise; CRx – Graduated compression from the ankle to the top of the calf that helps remove lactic acid and improve blood circulation back to the heart. SynchroRx provides moisture management and temperature regulation. Achilles tendon support. Padded foot soles prevent foot irritations
mmHg: 15-20mmHg mmHg: 18-30mmHg mmHg: 18-25 mmHg

The main difference among the three models are the amount of compression force (mmHg).

I bought Zoot because physicians recommended them over other brands. I wear mine mainly to speed up post ride recovery and have even worn them on long flights oversea.

I wear a size 4. Check Zoot’s website for your size.

Readying for the First Big Event after Returning from Injury

It’s time to taper. Marin Century is less than two weeks away. This my story how I got back in shape from severely injuring my ankle.

Seven months ago, I sprained my ankle while existing a subway station in Taipei. By the time I got back on the saddle for the first time on February 6th, I had been off the bike for nearly five months, and my aerobic base was near bottom. My first training ride was indoor, lasted barely half an hour. It was harder than I thought.

With just six months away from Marin Century, I was getting worried and anxious, but my right ankle was still weak, the swelling still noticeable. Going too hard too fast would just make things worse. I had to be patient.

I rode just 23 miles the first week, by the end of February about 55 miles a week. In theory, I should have become strong enough to ride over 100 miles per week by the beginning of June if I had gradually increased training miles by only 10% each week, but I was impatient, adding too many miles each each, hitting the ceiling in April.

Paying close attention to my body and periodization got me there in the end.  Marin Century is just two week away. It’s final preparation time. It is time to taper.

Week Plan Actual
2/6 23 23
2/13 25 25
2/20 28 58
2/27 31 54
3/6 34 56
3/13 37 71
3/20 41 73
3/27 45 73
4/3 49 99
4/10 54 27
4/17 60 39
4/24 66 76
5/1 72 106
5/8 79 59
5/15 87 38
5/22 96 112
5/29 106 49
6/5 116 93
6/12 128 138
6/19 141 126
6/26 155 142
7/3 170 155
7/10 187 180
7/17 206 154
7/24 Tapering  
7/31 Tapering  

Sore Knees from Cycling?

One of the most common complaints from cyclists is of sore knees. Cycling, especially racing or touring can put enormous stress on the knee. Usually knee pain creeps up on you but sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere, it can suddenly start for no apparent reason.

However, investigation will usually reveal some contributing factors:

Poor Technique

The main cycling muscles in the thigh are very powerful and can ‘overload’ the knee. Pedaling in too high (stiff) a gear is the most common cause of this. The answer is to pedal a lower (easier) gear but pedal faster.

Look at Tour de France riders and you will see that their legs seem to whizz round. The load on the knee is reduced by using this technique. Medical research has also shown that this higher speed ‘spin’ is also aerobically more efficient.

A Sudden Increase in Training or Mileage

This is especially common at the beginning of the season and in Europe is sometime called ‘Easter Knees’ as this is often the first opportunity for overuse of the knee.
It can also happen after illness or other time away from cycling…
In our enthusiasm to get fit again we can do too much too soon. Rest then try again – more gently.

A Sudden Increase in Climbing

When the route rises and you run out of gears sometimes the only thing you can do is sit (or stand) and push hard on the pedals. If you are not used to this then the same overuse type of injury can occur. If you are going to cycle in the hills get some practice before you go. Attack that hill on your ride to work!

Saddle Position

Having your saddle in the wrong position can also give you knee pain. Too high and too low are both wrong. Too far forward or back is also a possibility. Ask your friendly local bike shop for advice on getting the right saddle position or check out our Step by Step Guide to Setting your Saddle Position.

Pedal Setup

The advent of clipless (SPD etc.) pedals has been great for cycling. One major difference between clipless and traditional pedals is restriction of movement (float) allowed in the foot. Foot position naturally changes while pedaling. If the foot cannot move, this movement is transferred to the knees and the hips. If you have knee or back problems or just a tendency to knee pain you may not get on well with clipless pedals.

If you have clipless pedals Set Them Up Right!

Old fashioned clips and straps still work fine.  They are still used by World Champ track riders because they never release accidentally no matter how hard you pull!

Non-Cycling Related

Sometimes knee pain felt while cycling is brought on by some other activity:

  • A new sport
  • A session at a badly set-up workstation
  • A cramped journey in a car or bus

Misalignment of the Knee

The alignment of the knee and kneecap can be affected by many things. Any imbalance in the muscles of the thigh can pull the kneecap out of position. The action of pedaling can cause an imbalance in this muscle group.

If your knee pain does not subside with rest, see your doctor or a Sports Physiologist and get checked out. Check if your local Cycling Club can recommend a Sports Physiologist who understands the peculiarities and common problems of cycling.

Contributed by Bottom Bracket

From Andy Pruitt’s Complete Medical Guide for Cyclists
Dr. Andy Pruitt is a two-time World Cycling Champion and the Director of the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. He is ‘the absolute authority on this topic’…

Dr. Oz’s 25 Health Tips to Swear By

How sex, dental floss, and belly laughs can make a good life great. Best-selling author Mehmet Oz, M.D., explains.
By the editors of Men’s Health

My patients are among my best teachers. They’ve taught me how to communicate clearly—and how to live a better life. On The Dr. Oz Show, I’ve seen that once people are emotionally involved, change happens quickly, especially if they feel that their behavior is letting loved ones down. Large-scale change seems daunting. We want simple routines that we can automatically follow. Adopt some of the steps here, which anyone can do, and you will like your life more in just a couple of weeks. And you’ll live longer. Try them—they work for me.


Laughing not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system. So bring some humor into your life, whether it’s through friends or even a new TV show (preferably mine).

Bing Search: Fitness
View results for: Exercise Equipment Men’s Fitness Women’s Fitness

2. Don’t skip breakfast

Fiber in the morning means less hunger late in the afternoon, when you’re most likely to feel tired and gorge yourself on sugar. My morning dose comes from steel-cut oatmeal, usually mixed with raisins, walnuts, and flaxseed oil. An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door.

3. Hit the sack

Conan and Dave are funny, but they’re not worth the strain on your system. Seven hours of sleep a night not only helps you live longer, but also lowers your stress, sharpens your memory, and reduces cravings for pants-splitting foods. Set a bedtime and stick to it. My target is 10:30 p.m. I record the late shows and then watch them the next day as I pedal a stationary bike.

4. Admire your work

Don’t be so trigger-happy with the flusher. Turn around and take a look at your poop, which speaks volumes about your gut and overall health. Poop should be smooth and S-shaped, like your colon. If it comes out too lumpy, or drops into the bowl like marbles, you’re constipated. Increase your fiber and water intake. This happens to me when I travel, so I fiber-load before a trip to avoid getting irritable. But you don’t need Metamucil—here are 30 great-tasting ways to add fiber to your diet.

5. Don’t pamper your bad back

Even if you’re hunched over in agony, taking to your bed will only make a bad back worse. The latest research shows that bed rest weakens back muscles and prolongs the suffering. Married men may suffer more than single men because of all the pampering. I used to love milking the care from Lisa, but the best solution is to get up, take a pain reliever, and be a soldier.

6. Taste the colors

Foods with bright, rich colors are more than just nice to look at. They’re also packed with flavonoids and carotenoids, powerful compounds that bind the damaging free radicals in your body, lowering inflammation. (Sadly, Skittles do not count.) Eat nine fistfuls of colorful fruits and vegetables each day and you’ll reap the benefits without having to give up other foods. Whenever I shop the produce aisle, I’m reminded that these foods are often more powerful than the drugs sold in pharmacies. My favorites are arugula and blueberries.

7. Brushing is not enough

If you plan to spend your later years eating more than yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long you brush your teeth, you’re missing a good portion of their total surface. That’s like washing one armpit after a workout. But the dangers of skipping floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of heart disease. I use Reach Ultraclean floss, which stretches to glide between teeth.

8. Take a deep belly breath

Do this anywhere, anytime. Push out your bellows and suck air through your nose until your lungs are full. They’ll fill with nitric oxide, a chemical found in the back of your nose that opens up blood vessels. The dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert. This is my secret technique for calming down before a show or a tough stitch in the OR.

9. Join a yoga class

Yoga is the most important exercise of my daily routine. Being surrounded by beautiful women in spandex should be reason enough for you to join a class, but if you need more motivation, consider this: Yoga eases stress, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rates, and increases flexibility. And there’s nothing mystical about it. Loosening your muscles will make them more adaptable, so you may be less likely to injure yourself playing sports. Sure, some of the poses may look ridiculous, but that’s for a reason you’ll learn quickly enough. Yoga can reach and work muscles that are ignored during routine sports and daily life. My favorite maneuver is the sun salutation.

10. Don’t be an island

Ever wonder why women live longer than men do? One major reason: They form tight networks and actually talk about their problems. If you face life’s stresses alone, you will make yourself older. Bankruptcy, for example, causes enough stress to wreak havoc on your body. With another person’s love and support, that inner aging can be reduced. You really can remake your body into a sleeker, fitter, stronger version of its younger self: Here’s everything you need for your best body at 40+.

11. Avoid fad diets

The secret to weight loss is not to avoid carbs, fats, yellow foods, solid foods, or foods that start with the letter G. The real trick is to lower your daily intake by about 100 calories. You’ll hardly notice, but it’ll add up to a loss of about 10 pounds in a year. Calorie restriction has been shown to lengthen life (in rats and monkeys). I cut back once a year to reset my appetite and tastebuds. Healthy food tastes great afterward. Frankly, any food would.

12. Be a smart patient

Your doctor can help keep you in good health, but the responsibility ultimately falls on you. Seek a second opinion before undergoing any procedure, because 30 percent of the time, that opinion will change the diagnosis or plan. Keep a written medical history, and educate yourself about any family problems, even if that means calling your creepy uncle. You might even consider signing onto Microsoft HealthVault so your files are accessible in case you find yourself in trouble away from home.

13. Lose the beer belly

Most men fasten their belts below their waists. It’s just another way of avoiding the truth about that gut. Grab a tape measure and put it around your body at the level of your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So for my 6-foot, 1-inch frame, I need to keep my waist under 36.5 inches. If avoiding heart attacks and diabetes isn’t enough motivation to eliminate that gut, consider this: For every point your body mass index is over 25, your testosterone drops 3 percent, which isn’t very manly.

14. Go green

I drink green tea three times a day. It’s packed with heart-boosting and cancer-stopping polyphenols that black tea doesn’t offer. (These beneficial chemicals are lost when it’s fermented.) Green tea also delivers a boost of alertness, but from a smaller dose of caffeine than black tea. Green tea can even fight dandruff, although only if you
pour it directly onto your scalp. (It’s probably a good idea to let it cool down first.)

15. Sweat till you’re wet

If you can work up a sweat for just one hour a week, you’ll enjoy a range of benefits: reduced risk of heart attack, better mood, and lower blood pressure. I like interval training on the elliptical, with 15 pullups and 15 dips every 10 minutes. Your muscles will become more efficient, so you’ll have more stamina for more enjoyable activities that also work up a sweat.

16. Put it in the bank

Most people rank personal finance as their No. 1 stressor, usually because they feel powerless. Stress not only shortens lives, it also drives people to habits like smoking, drinking, or bingeing on food. Keep some money in a special bank account, safe from your lust for a new television, and you’ll establish an emotional comfort zone with major health benefits.

17. Have as much sex as possible

If a 50-something man could have sex 700 times a year, the exercise and stress reduction would make him look and feel years younger. I wouldn’t recommend quitting your day job in order to hit that number—but what’s the harm in trying? The next time your loved one says she has a headache, tell her she’s literally killing you. It works for me. Or use this fun schedule to have sex eight times this week.

18. Know your numbers, and then aim lower

Take the part of your brain dedicated to your steak house’s phone number and reassign it to your heart’s vital signs. These include blood pressure (which ideally should be below 115 over 75), LDL cholesterol (under 100), resting heart rate (under 70), and fasting blood sugar (under 100). If your numbers aren’t ideal, change your diet until they improve.

19. Add some weights

Just 30 minutes twice a week spent lifting weights can build significant muscle mass. What’s more, working all that muscle burns tons of calories, making it a great way to lose your gut, too. Don’t have weights? Try lifting yourself: Pullups are the most valuable muscle-building exercises I do. Oprah’s trainer, Bob Greene, pointed out to me that pullups work the back, pecs, arms, and belly all at once. And since you’re lifting yourself, you’ll think twice before eating that doughnut, because you’ll just have to lift it later. A simple setup in a door frame is convenient and inexpensive.

20. Grab your nuts

Nuts are among the best sources of healthful fats and protein around. I keep a bag of walnuts in my fridge and use their massive dose of omega-3 fatty acids to boost my brainpower while I see patients. Half a handful eaten about 30 minutes before a meal will temper your appetite and help you avoid the drive-thru.

21. No, seriously, grab your nuts

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men in the 15-to-35 age group, but it’s usually curable if it’s caught early enough. I strongly urge you to grab your testicles. Check them for bumps at least once a month. Each testicle should feel smooth and slightly soft, and one should hang slightly lower than the other, like two avocados (which, in Aztec, actually means “testicles”) growing on a tree. Here is everything else you need to know to to keep your package healthy.

22. Hit the dance floor

Crosswords and card games aren’t the only way to keep your brain razor sharp. It turns out that any kind of dancing with complex moves is stimulating enough to give your neurons a workout. Even the simplest moves provide some physical exercise. So don’t be such a wallflower on your next night out. As a bonus, dancing may help you with tip No. 17.

23. Do your penis a favor and step on a treadmill

Men who exercise enough to burn 200 calories a day significantly lower their chances of impotence. That’s because impotence often has the same cause as heart attacks: blocked arteries. Your penis is like a dipstick for your arteries, so check it. If you’re interested in keeping it up later in life, lace up the sneakers now.

24. Learn to cook

Think you know how much butter goes into those mashed potatoes at a restaurant? You’re probably off by half. If you can cook, you not only save money but also gain control over what goes into your meals. Plus, for most women, a man who knows how to cook is as sexy as one who stars in movies. I have trouble boiling water. Thankfully, I’m already married.

25. Some pills should be popped

The indoor life gives modern man protection from the elements and the ability to watch Gossip Girl in private. Unfortunately, roughly half of us are deficient in vitamin D, of which the sun is a major source. This crucial vitamin may aid in fighting cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I take a 1,000 IU supplement each morning.

But there are even more ways to add years to your life—and erase them from your face. Use the secret age erasers for men to look younger, feel younger, and stay younger longer!

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters S.T.R.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can completely reverse the effects of a stroke. Completely. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours.


During a BBQ, Ingrid stumbled and took a little fall.  She assured everyone that she was fine. They offered to call paramedics. She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Ingrid’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital. At 6:00 PM Ingrid passed away. She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don’t die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.



Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking 3 simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (coherently), i.e. It is sunny out today.

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

NOTE: Another sign of a stroke the tongue. Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue. If the tongue is crooked, if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Have you?

Back After 6 Weeks. Still with Lower-back Pain.

After nearly spending 3 weeks in London/Nottingham on a business trip and nursing a nagging lower-back pain after returning for nearly another 3 weeks, I finally got back on the saddle and rode solo to Back Bay this morning.   My cardiac fitness had suffered from the lack training.  I worked too hard to finish the 30.8-mile ride with an 15.8 MPH average speed and 161 BMP average heart rate.  I was riding above my threshold for more than half of time trying to hold on.  Sigh.

吃錯了,當然會生病!– 用油炒菜新觀念

博客來網路書店 金石堂、誠品等全台各大書店

台灣在民國八十五年時曾經做過一個調查,發現零售市場賣掉的食用油品中,有 60%是沙拉油、12%是葵花油、 13% 是老一輩婆婆媽媽們習慣用的豬油。十年後的今天,沙拉油、葵花油和橄欖油,是現今台灣家庭中最常用的烹飪油,橄欖油尤其炒得很熱,使用率大幅提升。但豬油卻越來越少用了。



台灣人最常見的烹煮方式還是煎、煮、炒、炸為主,青菜大多是用大火快炒,而且多數是使用玉米油、葵花油之類來炒菜,甚至炸排骨也是用這類植物油,這真是個嚴重的錯誤。為什麼呢?因為每一種油耐受的溫度不一樣,葵花油在攝氏 107度就開始冒煙變質了,如果拿來炒菜甚至炸排骨,會產生許多毒素。因此,在選用油品之前,必須先瞭解什麼是「冒煙點」。

每一種油的冒煙點 (Smoke point, 介於熔點與沸點之間)都不盡相同,任何油類只要達到冒煙點以上,就會開始變質,甚至起火燃燒。所以我鼓勵大家不管炒什麼都加一點水來炒,因為水分會將溫度拉低到一百度左右。我把這種加點水來炒的炒法稱之為「水炒」。


油的商品名稱非常混淆,例如台灣與大陸很多食用油是菜籽油,或是菜籽、玉米與大豆的混合油,但廠商並不標示清楚,而常用「沙拉油」這個名稱代替。其實,沙拉油  (Salad Oil) 是一種通稱,凡是可以拿來涼拌沙拉的油就可叫做沙拉油。 所以在還弄不清楚油種之前,最好先不要拿來炒菜。




附表: 各種油脂的冒煙點

未精製的各種油脂 冒煙點 適合的烹飪法
葵花油  Sunflower oil 107 ℃ ( 225 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒
紅花油  Safflower oil 107 ℃ ( 225 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒
亞麻仁油  Flax seed oil 107 ℃ ( 225 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒
菜籽油  Canola oil 107 ℃ ( 225 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒
大豆油  Soybean oil 160 ℃ ( 320 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
玉米油  Corn oil 160 ℃ ( 320 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
冷壓橄欖油  Olive oil 160 ℃ ( 320 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
花生油  Peanut oil 160 ℃ ( 320 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
胡桃油  Walnut oil 160 ℃ ( 320 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
芝麻油  Sesame oil 177 ℃ ( 350 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
奶油  Butter 177 ℃ ( 350 ℉  ) 水炒、中火炒
酥油  Vegetable shortening 182 ℃ ( 360 ℉  ) 反式脂肪酸,不建議食用
豬油  Lard 182 ℃ ( 360 ℉  ) 水炒、中火炒
馬卡達姆油  Macadamia oil 199 ℃ ( 390 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
棉花籽油  Cottonseed oil 216 ℃ ( 420 ℉  ) 殺精蟲,不建議食用
葡萄籽油  Grapeseed oil 216 ℃ ( 420 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
杏仁油  Almond oil 216 ℃ ( 420 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
榛子油  Hazelnut oil 221 ℃ ( 430 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
椰子油  Coconut oil 232 ℃ ( 450 ℉  ) 水炒、中火炒、煎炸
橄欖油渣  Pomace 238 ℃ ( 460 ℉  ) 水炒、中火炒、煎炸
茶油  Tea oil 252 ℃ ( 485 ℉  ) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
米糠油  Rice bran oil 254 ℃ ( 490 ℉  ) 由於管路污染,不建議食用
酪梨油  Avocado oil 271 ℃ ( 520 ℉  ) 水炒、中火、炒煎

註:涼拌  (< 49 ℃  / 120 ℉ ) ,水炒(100 ℃  / 212 ℉,中火炒  (163 ℃  /  325 ℉) ,煎炸  (190 ℃  / 375 ℉ )


國外把油脂的烹飪方式分為︰Cold Preparation (Condiments & Salad Dressings),Low Heat (Sauces, & Baking),Medium Heat (Sauteing),High Heat (Browning & Frying),我們可以把它們對應在涼拌、水炒、中火炒與煎炸四種烹煮方式。

適合涼拌 (49 ℃以下) 的油︰除了常溫下是固體的奶油、豬油、椰子油、酪梨油之外,幾乎任何食用油都適合。

只適合水炒 (100 ℃  / 212 ℉) 、不可用中火炒的油︰包括葵花油、紅花油、菜籽油。亞麻仁油雖然也算,但因為營養價值太好了,建議生吃才不容易破壞它。

只適合中火炒 (163 ℃  / 325 ℉ ) 、不適合煎炸的油︰包括大豆油、玉米油、冷壓初榨 橄欖油、花生油、胡桃油、芝麻油、奶油、豬油、馬卡達姆油。



可以大火炒或煎炸 (190 ℃  / 375 ℉ ) 的油類︰包括杏仁油、榛子油、椰子油、茶油、 酪梨油。




台灣的油品有許多障眼法,例如只加了一點橄欖油,就號稱是橄欖 X 酚油,其實是菜籽油。而大部分廠商為了迎合台灣人喜歡大火炒菜的習慣,都把優良的進口橄欖油或其他食用油在台精製。這麼做其實非常可惜,因為精製過的油,就不能算是我們說的「好油」了。



現代人慢性病、發炎、過敏、婦科疾病… 毛病一籮筐,一大半原因都是因為油引起的。