Bike to Fitness

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Tag Archives: Blackburn

CycleOps Tempo Resistance Trainer

Blackburn should recall its TrackStand Ultra. After 22 uses (423 mile, 27 hours), I returned the trainer. I started noticing the difference in the resistance after 16 uses (17.5 hours). At first, I thought that I was getting stronger from the training, that I was able to ride faster with less effort. It seemed unlikely that my average speed increased more than 5 MPH from 18 MPH in the matter for 2.5 weeks. I was able to sustain 90 RPM cadence in the highest gear — unbelievable. I proceeded to uncover numerous negative reviews on the web.

The centrifugal clutch resistance unit was almost too difficult to turn when brand new but offered a smooth ride after few uses. Then the unit would failed: inconsistent resistance during workout of between pedal strokes, too hard when starting from a complete stop and almost no resistance when turning it fast. I tried cleaning the resistance unit, taking it part to clean the friction pad surface and steel ball bearings, but the problem persisted. The Blackburn’s customer service assured me that the unit required no regular maintenance and that they had not had reports of similar problems. I gave up messing around on a faulty product. Luckily, Performance gave me a full refund even after having the unit for more than 30 days.

I exchanged it with CycloOps Tempo with a fluid type resistance unit, a pre-2007 model similar to the current Fluid2. Online reviews seem favorable and indicate little performance difference between the two. I tested out both models in two workout sessions and found little difference. The units offers sensational road feel, far superior than TrackStand Ultra. My only concern now is the reported issues with leaking resistance unit. The two-year only manufacturer’s warranty leaves me unsettling and uncommitted to this unit.

Indoor Trainer, a Wonderful Addition during the Raining Season.

I picked up my Blackburn TrakStand Ultra trainer from Performance Bike yesterday, just in time for the raining season.  This was my first trainer, and I couldn’t wait to try it out.

The unit was very well constructed, and setting it up was a snap.  The unit comes pre-configured in the medium resistance setting (Standard, Hard and Very Hard).  To adjust the setting, one has to unscrew resistance unit and remove or add resistance ball bearing.  According to the manual, the unit generates approximately 351 watts when spinning at 25 MPH.  That’s roughly 302 Calories per hour based on pure energy conversion.  The human body is very in efficient in converting pure energy into force.  Some is converted into heat, for example, sweating during exercise.  Some is used to converting the food we eat into some other forms of chemicals used by our bodies to power our muscle.  That is a topic of a whole other conversation.

I left the setting as it is, figuring I would give it a spin and see if I will need to increase the unit’s resistance setting.  “Hmm,” I thought, “350 watts @ 25 MPH is not a whole lot giving that some other units advertise >3,000 watts.  Plus my average speed is only around 18 MPH.”  I got my doubts.

My first impression was that unit runs extremely quiet.  My drive train had made more noise than the trainer.  I was very pleased.  Other units I had tested out, such as ones based on fan, magnetic or fluid resistance, were much noisier.  The other plus is the roller on the resistance unit is smooth stainless steel which help reduce tire wear.

The second thing I noticed was that riding on the trainer was tougher than training on the open road.  There were traffic lights or stop sign to let me catch my breath.  I couldn’t coasting; the resistance unit slowed down the wheel faster than being on the flat, open road.  Poor peddling technique with choppy stroke was made much more noticeable by the flywheel on the trainer.  In order to not wear myself out too soon, I needed to pull up as well as push down the peddles.  It helped having smooth, circular peddling actions.

All and all, I am thrilled having purchased the unit.  I feel that spending time on the trainer will help improve my overall fitness and peddling technique.  Everyone who is serious about cycling should spend time riding on a trainer even if it never rains outside.