Bike to Fitness

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Tag Archives: Gran Fondo

Review of Gran Fondo Las Vegas by Planet Ultra

It was a cold, windy Saturday in Las Vegas. Less than 60 people showed up for Gran Fondo Las Vegas by Planet Ultra. Food and refreshment at the rest stops were pretty disappointing: candies, energy bars and water. Endurolite and Hammer gel were available, but if you didn’t bring your own gel flask, you were out of luck. For hygienic reason, the Endurolite and Hammer gel couldn’t be shared unless you have your own flask.  One rest stop (by Lovell Canyon entrance) had GU Champ. Even though the rest stops were poorly stocked, the locals and volunteers were very friendly. I don’t recall seeing any sweeper truck, and there were no mechanics at any rest stop to help the riders. Overall, the event was very poorly hosted, but the course was challenging to make the event worthwhile of attending.

My body took a beating from the strong wind, cold temperature, and bumpy road up Lovall Canyon.  Adding to the lack of physical conditioning and proper fueling during the ride, Gran Fondo Las Vegas did not turn out to be an enjoyable experience.

99 miles, 8,700′ elevation gain, 7 hrs.